GDPR site regulation
- Date: 02/05/21
- Owner: Michele Summo
- Abstract: GDPR e Cookie Policy
- What:
- Count views
- Preferences on viewed elements
- View date
- IP Address
- Facebook User ID
- Who:
- Anonymous site viewers
- Facebook accounts
- Why:
- Monitoring
- Marketing activities
- Where:
- Data tables
- Facebook pages
- Cookies
- When: 3 years (only data tables and internal cookies)
- How:
- Site view
- Element view
- Directly by the subject
- Access: Owner (only data tables and internal cookies)
- Risks:
- Individual preferences identification
- Third-party site profilation:
- Certain images and texts can not be appropriate for children
- Mitigation: IP adresses and Facebook User IDs are not readable in data tables by the site owner